Accelerate your law firm’s operation.

Pattern Data supercharges your operations to process more cases faster and more effectively with existing resources.


Watch how your firm can review cases 10x faster.

Pattern Data's software platform uses the industry's smartest A.I. to rapidly analyze case records. Your review team simply validates the results in just a few clicks.

Pattern Data in action.

Top law firms use Pattern Data to accelerate the review and settlement process on national mass tort litigations.

JUUL Settlement

Talcum Powder


Camp Lejeune

3M Earplugs


How law firms use pattern data.

Pattern Data was designed by mass tort and class action experts to accelerate operations across the law firm at all stages of the litigation process

Accelerate medical record review

Leverage Pattern Data's powerful A.I. to assist your team in document review or completely automate the process. Increase case review speed by 10x to meet tight deadlines.



Gain real-time insights on litigation status

Optimize your document review operations with real-time backlog and bandwidth data. Quickly search for individual cases within a litigation.



Predict inventory quality before review

Determine the quality of cases before you commit more time and resources to review them further. Get detailed analysis on injury, exposure, page volume by case and more.



Automate settlement work product creation

Let Pattern Data's A.I. predict settlement outcomes based on the litigations scoring matrix. Automatically create settlement packets to reduce operational overhead.


Automate Settlement Product Creation