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Gain real-time insights on litigation status.

Manage your case review operations with instant work-flow data.


Maximize team capacity before it becomes a backlog.

The case review process is a critical function of your firm. Workloads can vary dramatically from week to week. Getting a handle on your internal or external teams bandwidth is critical to ensure your firm can maximize outcomes for your clients. Pattern Data can provide real-time data on how your team is doing on every litigation.


easily manage your in-house or outsourced review team quality

View pending cases by reviewer

Knowing each team members' workload can help optimize your bandwidth, alleviate stress and improve review quality.


One click case search

Instantly search across your entire case inventory for specific claimants. Identify their medical records and easily click through all their details - perfect for identifying bellwether cases.


Review your team's progress over time

As case volume fluctuates over time, the timeline view shows how productive your team is during the week, month or year.
