
Katherine Paseman on Bridging AI and Humanity in Legal Tech

Written by Katherine Paseman | Sep 4, 2024 5:48:42 PM

Throughout my career journey in tech, I've always believed that innovation should be driven by empathy and a commitment to serving others. As the Product Owner at Pattern Data, I’m not just working on AI-driven legal tech solutions—I’m striving to make a meaningful difference, ensuring that the technology we create genuinely improves people’s lives.

A Journey of Purpose

My path to Pattern Data has been anything but ordinary. I started with a Mechanical Engineering and Product Design degree from MIT, where I discovered a passion for problem-solving through technology. My early career took me into product management at a workers’ compensation insurtech company, where I learned how important it is to create solutions that truly meet users' needs.

But during the COVID-19 pandemic, I felt a deep calling to make a tangible impact. That’s when I co-founded Fix the Mask, a project born out of necessity and compassion. The Mask Brace, a new type of PPE, was my response to a world in need. When the CDC endorsed my creation, it validated my belief that technology, when guided by empathy, can have a profound impact.

My commitment to making a difference didn’t stop there. As a Lead Organizer and Campaign Manager with One Fair Wage in California, I advocated eliminating the subminimum wage for all workers. This experience deepened my understanding of systemic inequities and solidified my resolve to use my skills to fight for fairness and equity.

Using AI as a Tool, Not a Solution

When I joined Pattern Data, it wasn’t just another step in my career—it was a deliberate choice to align with a company that values both subject matter expertise and ethical technology. Pattern isn’t just another tech company trying to understand a problem from the outside. Our founders, James and Matt, come from legal and operational backgrounds. They understand the challenges of the legal industry, and that’s crucial when you’re building technology to support it.

At Pattern, I’m helping to use AI to enhance, not replace, the critical work of legal professionals. I’ve seen firsthand how people often think AI is a solution, but it’s not. AI can be incredibly useful, especially in legal tech, but it needs to be applied thoughtfully. We use AI at Pattern to streamline document review, making the process faster and more efficient without compromising quality. In law, where even a small mistake can have serious consequences, it’s essential to get this right.

Our users are highly discerning—they won’t buy into flashy gimmicks. We can’t afford to create anything superficial. The solutions we develop must be genuinely competent and trustworthy to build our clients' confidence to rely on us.

Building Trust in AI

Trust is everything when dealing with AI, especially in legal tech. At Pattern, we’re committed to transparency about how our AI works. Our goal is to build tools that our users can trust because they understand what’s happening behind the scenes. This approach is key in legal tech, where professionals need to rely on the tools they use without worrying about hidden risks.

We’re in a green field for AI, much like the shift from personal computing to mobile, which requires the creation of new UX patterns—design solutions that guide how users interact with technology. For instance, swiping to navigate content or pinching to zoom are mobile UX patterns we now take for granted. In legal tech, we need to develop similar patterns for AI—ways to demonstrate how AI is used, why it’s reliable, and how it can enhance workflow efficiencies.

A Commitment to Social Impact

What truly drives me is the potential to create real social impact. My work at Pattern Data isn’t just about improving efficiencies for law firms; it’s about making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals. By speeding up the time to settlement outcomes in mass tort cases, we’re not just helping law firms—we’re helping people get through a difficult time a little bit easier. This focus on social impact is a thread that runs through everything I do, from Fix the Mask to my advocacy work with One Fair Wage.

Leading with Heart and Humility

As a woman in tech, I’ve faced my share of challenges. Early in my career, I was hired into a lower-paying customer success role, even though I was qualified for the product management position I’d originally applied for. Despite this setback, I used the opportunity to develop my skills, eventually proving my worth and being promoted to the role I had been effectively filling all along.

I’ve been fortunate to have incredible mentors along the way, especially Tricia Wang, a tech ethnographer who has profoundly shaped my approach to technology and leadership. Tricia taught me the importance of truly listening to people and living my values in every aspect of my work. Her focus on ethical tech and awareness of biases has been particularly influential, especially in the context of high-impact work with AI.

Supporting women in tech is something I’m deeply passionate about. It starts with visibility and mentorship. I believe it’s important for women to be seen and heard in this industry—not just for ourselves but to inspire the next generation. I’ve also had supportive male bosses who helped me respect my own boundaries, whether it was encouraging me to take time off during a family emergency or discreetly ensuring I wasn’t pressured to drink at company events. These actions made a significant difference in my well-being and career and shaped how I lead and mentor others today.

Looking Ahead

As I look to the future, I’m excited about the possibilities at the intersection of AI and legal tech. But more than that, I’m committed to ensuring that the technology we develop is grounded in the real needs of the people it serves. At Pattern Data, we’re focused on improving legal processes in ways that make a real difference for the people involved, and I’m proud to be part of that mission.

I believe that the most powerful innovations are those grounded in empathy, ethics, and a deep commitment to making the world a better place. This is the future I’m working to build—one where technology truly serves humanity.